Freedom Receivers | Second Chance Dreamers

Become A Statistic, For All The Right Reasons…

Just because you make a wrong, does not mean you cannot make things right. If you have been previously incarcerated, and/or have a criminal record for minor offenses that do not include sexual or violent misconduct, but are finding it to be difficult to achieve your educational and career dreams, there may be some hope.

J. S. Bullock & Associates, LLC | The Brokerage for Dreams™ would like to do its’ part by equipping you with the skills to overcome at least two recognized barriers that many with your experience face. These are the lack of confidence and knowledge about, and access to, educational programs and professional opportunities that help inspire you to not give up on who you are and who you can become.


  • Currently, the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world.
  • Within 3 years after being released nearly two-thirds of individuals return back to prison, many of which are due to parole violations.[1,2]
  • An estimated 9 out of 10 parole violators are unemployed, and depending on their educational attainment, nearly 40 percent of prisoners are unemployed just prior to being incarcerated.[3]
  • Less than a decade ago, it cost some states 5 times more to incarcerate inmates, than to educate them.[4]


  • Today, college courses are offered to inmates at 35 percent of prisons in the United States.
  • Education is one of the most important tools to curb repeat offenses, as well as, securing meaningful employment.
  • Research shows that inmates who participate in correctional programs that focus on postsecondary education highly reduce recidivism rates by more than half.
  • Education creates a clear win-win not only for society, but also for incarcerated dreamers who want a second chance.

However, more needs to be done to continue to motivate, inspire, and encourage formerly incarcerated dreamers, perhaps like you. JSBA offers educational and professional services to former inmates who wish to earn a college degree or pursue a job that they find meaningful. We start by motivating and inspiring you to improve your leadership and worth in your families and in your communities once you re-enter society.

Contact J. S. Bullock & Associates, LLC | The Brokerage for Dreams™ about your dream(s) if you attended and earned some college credits prior to incarceration, and/or while incarcerated, or have never attended college. We believe it is never too late to turn your life around. By moving forward, you may be one step closer to improving your life chances and in a better position to reach back and help another person in a positive direction. Let us help you to be one of the positive “statistics” who never returns back to prison, unless of course, you’re going back with us to help someone else.


Unless acquitted, JSBA does not take any clients who were incarcerated for sex offenses or child abuse. We require clients to be in good standing and enrolled in counseling services. We reserve the right to decline service to individuals that pose a threat to themselves or to others.





REFERENCES: Click on hyperlinks above to be directed to each source.

Copyright 2025 J. S. Bullock & Associates, LLC | The Brokerage for Dreams™

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