Volunteer | Mentor
From time to time, we may need dependable volunteers to assist in service delivery throughout the world. As a woman-owned small business, often times the demands are high, but the number of hands to help are low.
Please email if you are interested in being in our database of volunteers and/or mentors. We do not share or sell any of our information whatsoever.
We do not currently have an official mentorship program, hence, this is on a volunteer basis only. In the event your expertise matches up with a need among our clients, we will be in touch. Thank you for your interest in helping us grow.
Volunteer and/or Mentor
- Specify in which capacity/ies you are interested in becoming involved with JSBA.
- Please indicate if you are interested in being a volunteer or mentor for a specific population group that we serve. See our brochures and read our company website for specifics.
- Please supply any information that may indicate your level of expertise, skills, and former volunteer/mentorship service.